
Slow Paced Week

August 17, 2017

Hi again! Last week has been pretty slow paced, for me at least. I haven't started uni yet, soon though, so I'm currently enjoying the last weeks of my holiday and just keeping myself busy.

If you know me, I like keeping myself busy by cooking and doing art, as for the latter, I'm going to write about it some other time ;) This post is a recap of what I've cooked this week.

I enjoy finding new recipes and testing it out because I feel a sense of accomplishment when I succeed in one dish, and grateful that I don't always have to order some take-out or eat out in a restaurant when I can make it in my own kitchen.

This week, I made some simple garlic shrimp pasta, gyu-don (beef bowl), and gyoza:


Imaginary Conversations #1: If We Had Met Years Ago

August 13, 2017

If We Had Met Years Ago

We were laying on our balcony that Sunday afternoon. Drenched in the soft sunlight, the breeze warm and inviting. Bodies wrapped around each other.

"If we had met years ago, would you love me just the same?"
"Would you even love me?"

"Hmm, I think I would."

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